Upon undulating white string cascading from a corner of the gallery space, a video loop is projected. The viewer is drawn close to the piece by the illuminated string and the moving image of the artist’s hands untangling a pool of red thread under water. Her fingers carefully and gently lift, pull, and unravel the entangled red lines. The floating red strings alludes to obstacles and uncertainties, while the silent action performs subtle persistence and speaks of hopefulness. At the end of the video loop, when the ends of the thread are found, they are tied into a knot.

“The video piece, Tie-Untie, is a remarkably innovative yet simple play on the genre in general, and a poignant expression of the artist’s chosen theme in particular. With a large nest of string on the floor and the projector pointed straight down upon it, the dark room itself takes on an instrumental role. Focusing all attention into the vibrant pool electrified with light and the imagery of a pair of hands articulating colored yarn back and forth, hither and away, in and out of the frame, the matter is mesmerizing. Furthermore, upon realizing that this meditative mirage takes place underwater, the whole thing seems to float and sink into the floor at the same time. The combination of the submerged action — with the color, the skin, and digits working the yarn with the soft highlight of the projection upon the nylon pool — is pure magic.”

- Steven Irvin, Buzzine, LA

Installation view